Author: Eviatar Ityel

Eviatar Ityel


Recent Publications
  • 12
    Effect of irrigation treatments, soil type and root-zone infrastructure on pepper plants, 2010/11
    Vegetables, Soil and Water

    Effect of irrigation treatments, soil type and root-zone infrastructure on pepper plants, 2010/11

    תחום או ענף ירקות
    תאריך עדכון 23/2/2012

    Effect of irrigation treatments, soil type and root-zone infrastructure on pepper plants, 2010/11
    Ityel Eviatar – Extension Service (Shaham), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
    D. Chashmonai, A. Oshoroviz, R. Offenbach, S. Cohen, Y. Zvieli, I. Tsabari – Central and Northern Arava R&D
    Alon Ben-Gal – Gilat Research Center, Agricultural Research Organization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Naftali Lazarovitch – Ben-Gurion University
    E-mail address for correspondence:

    This work is a continuation of work carried out during previous seasons concerning the development of root-zone infrastructure for vegetable crops in the Arava. The reaction of pepper plants to the conditions prevailing in the root zone was studied within a range of different volumes of saline irrigation water (2.3 dSm-1) in two soils with extremely different hydraulic characteristics: rocky soil ('Hamada') with a low level of water conductivity and sandy soil, through which water flows easily. Pepper plants of the cultivar Adom (Efal) were transplanted into a screen-house (50 mesh) at the Yair Research Station in the Arava on 20 September 2010. These plants were treated with four different levels of irrigation from 21 days after transplanting through the end of the study. The levels of irrigation: 3.1, 4.4, 5.5 and 7.5 mm per day; were kept constant throughout the period of the study. At the end of the season, 194 days after transplanting, the total volumes of irrigation water that had been applied were 634, 771, 1071 and 1399 mm . In the two soils, we set up two types of root-zone infrastructure, which differed only in the type of side-sheeting used to separate the root zones from the surrounding soil. One treatment involved Palrig soil cover, which is permeable to water and oxygen, and the other treatment involved impermeable polyethylene. The treatment in which the polyethylene side-sheeting was used yielded 10% less than the Palrig treatment. Yield in the rocky soil was approx. 15% higher than yield in the sandy soil across all of the irrigation treatments. The level of irrigation had significant effects in the two soils. In the sandy plots that were irrigated with 4.4-5.5 mm/day, fruit yield increased by approx. 20%. In the rocky plots that were irrigated with 5.5-7.3 mm/day, yield increased by approx. 15%.

    We would like to thank the Plant Board for helping to fund this study and Zeraim Gedera for their donation of seed. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who participated in this work.

    שפה English
    מלות מפתח Ben Gal
    מחבר Ityel Eviatar, D. Chashmonai, A. Oshoroviz, R. Offenbach, S. Cohen, Y. Zvieli, I. Tsabari, Alon Ben-Gal, Naftali Lazarovitch
    שנה 2011
    שייכות yzvieli
    תאריך יצירה 23/2/2012
    תאריך עדכון 23/2/2012

  • 13
    Effects of root zone infrastructure, irrigation quantity and mode of compost application on organically grown pepper

    חום או ענף אורגני; ירקות

    תאריך עדכון 14/3/2012

    Effects of root zone infrastructure, irrigation quantity and mode of compost application on organically grown pepper
    Ityel Eviatar – Extension Service (Shaham) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
    D. Chashmonai, A. Oshoroviz, R. Offenbach, Y. Zvieli, I. Tsabari – Central and Northern Arava R&D
    E-mail address for correspondence:

    In the Nasham restricted root zone system, a capillary barrier is used to derive high moisture levels from small volumes of water. Decreasing the volume of irrigation water applied to organic pepper crops is expected to provide great advantages in terms of fertilizer costs, as well as more efficient water use. The quantities of fertilizer dissolved in the irrigation water are expected to decrease greatly in light of the smaller irrigation volumes, thereby decreasing the contamination of the groundwater with nitrates. The trouble with the application of this method is the fact that the use of buried sheeting that surrounds roots (Palrig side-sheeting) is prohibited in organic agricultural systems. Due to the hydraulic characteristics of this sheeting, it provides for a significant decrease in the horizontal movement of water in the soil, which leads to improved removal of salts. The model that is permitted for use in organic agricultural systems includes only a barrier, without any side-sheeting.
    Pepper plants (cv. Sobek; Zeraim Gedera) were transplanted into a screen-house at the Yair Experimental Station on 1 August 2010. We examined two irrigation levels, a low level and a high level. The lower irrigation level was approx. 40% lower than the higher level. At the end of the growing season, the total volumes of irrigation applied were 760 and 1,240 m3/dunam, respectively. The irrigation levels were evaluated in two different root-zone infrastructure systems. A system with a layer of gravel buried 40 cm below the soil surface that served as a barrier was compared with a control infrastructure treatment in which the soil had not been dug up. In both infrastructure treatments and both irrigation treatments, we evaluated two ways of applying compost: (1) burying the compost under tilled soil and (2) spreading the compost on the soil surface.
    The dry weight of all of the fruit (that which had been harvested and that which was still green on the vine at the end of the study) and the dry weight of the canopy were lower in the low-level irrigation treatment than in the high-level irrigation treatment (differences of 13% for fruit and 15% for canopy). The barrier infrastructure treatment was inferior to the control in terms of dry-weight yield and harvested fruit. There was a 7% difference between the infrastructure treatments. The two methods of applying compost (distribution on the soil surface or burial under loosened soil) did not differentially affect any of the measured variables.

    We would like to thank the staff of Arava R&D for their help with this work and the Plant Board for their financial support of this project.

    שפה English
    מלות מפתח Capsicum
    מחבר Ityel Eviatar, Dorit Chashmonai, Avi Oshoroviz, Rivka Offenbach, Yoram Zvieli, Israel Tsabari
    שנה 2011
    שייכות yzvieli
    תאריך יצירה 14/3/2012
    תאריך עדכון 14/3/2012

  • 16
    The effects of soil-bedding methods, water quantity, and water quality on the performance and yield of sweet pepper

    תאריך עדכון 18/2/2008

    תיאור מלא Sweet pepper is the largest and most successful agricultural sector in the Arava valley yet, it faces problems of availability of fertile soils and water restrict its farther expansion. Innovative soil-bedding methods are, therefore, sought, to which the irrigation regime should be re-adjusted. The objective of the present study was to test the response of sweet pepper yield to different soil-bedding methods at differential irrigation quantity at two levels of water quality.
    Three methods of soil-bedding were tested. For the first method, 'nutrition duct' (ND), 40 cm wide, 20 cm deep ducts were dug in the 'Hamada' soil at 1.6 meter intervals. Tuff (0-8, Tuff Merom Golan Company) was laid inside the ducts at a uniform volume of 50 liter/m3. The second soil-bedding method tested was the restricted root zone (RRZ) system, in which a thin layer of coarse Tuff that covered the bottom of the duct was coated with a thick technical cloth sheet (Agripal, Palrig), on top of which an equal volume of Tuff 0-8 was added. The third was the traditional method of sand-coating (40 cm sand layer on top of the Hamada soil). The experiment took place at Yair Station in the Arava. Sweet pepper seedlings (var. 7187) were planted (24/08/05) in a net-house (50 Mesh), distributed between the three soil-bedding treatments. The differential water quantities began 24 days after planting. The water quantities were adjusted once a week at four different levels according to refund indices of 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 of the current evaporation as recorded by a maximum lysimeter. At the end of the season, the water quantities accumulated to 350, 684, 962, and 1350 mm. The experiment structure was duplicated in order to allow two salinity levels of the water: 2.5 and 0.7 dS/m.
    The sand coating method produced the lowest fruit yield at all conditions. When desalinated water (0.7 dS/m) was used, the difference in yield between the sand and the RRZ method reached 20%. The RRZ method did well in the desalinated water, but was inferior to the nutrition duct when saline water (2.5 dS/m) water was used. This inferiority may be attributed to higher salinity in the RRZ rhizosphere. The yield response curve to the desalinated water saturated already at the second level of 684 mm per season at all three methods, whereas in the saline water yields increased along with the increment of water quantity throughout the range. A small advantage of the RRZ over the ND method is explained by a better water retention (25% increase) that was found at the three higher water quantity levels. In conclusion, net-house sweet pepper yields in the Arava valley can be increased by 20% using the RRZ method with 700 mm high quality water. However, when this water quality is unavailable, equal results can be obtained with at least 1400 mm of saline water (2.5 dS/m). These conclusions will be reassessed in the next seasons.

    שפה English
    מחבר Eviatar Itiel, Shai Aharon, Rivka Ofenbach, Rami Golan, Israel Tzabari, Yoram Zvieli, Alon Ben-Gal
    שנה 2007
    שייכות Israel Tsabari
    תאריך יצירה 18/2/2008
    תאריך עדכון 14/3/2012
